Meditation Does Not Work

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Meditation does not work if you all you do is read about it, it only works when you begin doing it. So let’s see if I can help you begin your meditation practice, because just reading about it and then making those excuses to yourself, you know the ones; “I don’t have time“, “There are too many distractions“, “I can’t stop my thoughts“, “I’ll do it tomorrow…” just means that you are missing out. For that matter so am I, but I will get to that later.

The reality is that learning to meditate is tough, just like learning to drive, ride a bike, or read. The difference is that most people are motivated by the obvious benefits of skills like driving. Motivated enough that they make the effort, make the effort to learn, to practice.

Portrait of meditating woman relaxing in pose of lotus outdoors
You can begin practising meditation in just a couple of minutes a day.

So how much motivation do you need to learn to meditate? Meditation is FREE and offers so many benefits. Along with benefits to your brain’s ability to function, more and more published studies are showing the benefits of meditation to your emotional and physical health. Studies showing reduction in stress, improved immune response, feeling happier, more connected, it’s all there if you like reading such things.

Perhaps what you really need to know is that meditation can be easier than you think..

What is This Post About

Meditation does not need to be difficult. You did not learn to read by looking at Tolkien’s Lord of The Rings and neither do you need to learn to meditate by sitting in lotus position and contemplating the meaning of life for 30 minutes.

You can begin practising meditation in just a couple of minutes a day.

Why Is This Post Important to Me?

Learning to meditate is an important life skill, because it has huge benefits to your emotional and physical health.

Learning to meditate is important, because you are important. I really believe that. Each and every one one of us has the right to be happy and healthy, and, lets face it, the World would be a better place if we all were… happier and healthier. That’s where I get to gain; imagine a world where more and more people are happy, smiling; calm, that is where I would like to live! Learning to meditate will help create that reality for you, of being happier and healthier.

How do I use the Information in this Post?

Meditation is a spiritual practice, not a religious one and these days the spiritual side of our lives is often the most neglected, the most forgotten, the most overlooked. So this is also an area where there are a lot of gains to be easily made.

One of my favourite methods that you can do almost anywhere is the Heartmath Heart Breathing Meditation. Why not have a go now? Here it is:

  1. Close your eyes and relax into your chair.
  2. Put your hand over your heart and focus your attention into that area, into those deep chambers in the centre of your chest.
  3. Breathe deeply but normally and feel as if your breath is coming in and out of your heart area.
  4. Begin to regulate your breathing to a count of six.
  5. Breathe for a count of six seconds into your heart space. Breathe for a count of six seconds out of your heart space. Keep breathing in for six and breathing out for six.
  6. Focus on your heart area and feel the relaxation.

You may be pleasantly surprised at just how quickly you begin to relax.

Alternatively you could just listen to a guided meditation track for as long as you feel comfortable. You could start with the track I’m sharing with those who sign up for my Newsletter. Just start by listening to first few minutes. Listen a few times and you may be pleased that you notice relaxing more and more, listening toΒ  just the first few minutes. Then gently and slowly you can listen for a little longer. You may be be pleased at just how quickly you can comfortably relax and listen all the way through.

Let me know how your meditation practice goes! πŸ™‚

One thought on “Meditation Does Not Work

    joeythebuddhist said:
    August 18, 2015 at 6:10 pm

    Haha amen, get out there people πŸ˜‰

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